Ash Catton

PhD Candidate

About Me

Ko wai au? 
Ko Kā Tiritiri o te Moana nga maunga 
Ko Orakaia te awa 
Ko Tākitimu te waka 
Ko Ngāi Tahu tōku iwi 
Ko Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki tōku hāpu 
No Taumutu ōku tupuna 
Kei Catton raua ko Nutira tōku whanau 
Ko Ash tōku ingoa 

My name is Ash and I'm a PhD Candidate at the University of Canterbury who has finalised the initial version of a model explaining sexual victimisation disclosure, under the supervision of Professor Martin Dorahy, and Associate Professor Kumar Yogeeswaran. 

Research interests include:
  • Sexual victimisation disclosure
    • Correlates
    • Motivations
    • Social Reactions and their effects
  • Social media
    • Cyberbullying
    • Online trolling
    • Moral outrage
    • #MeToo
    • Echo chambers and filter bubbles
  • The relationship between Emotional Invalidation and Shame
I also have a background in, and passion for, academic philosophy.


The Sexual Encounters Questionnaire: A Gender-Inclusive Survey of Sexual Victimization Across the Lifespan

Ashley K. H. Catton, Martin J. Dorahy

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2024

Examining the Causal Effects of Social Exclusion on Shame and Dissociative Detachment

A. K. H. Catton, K. Yogeeswaran, M. J. Dorahy

Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 2024

Disclosure of Sexual Victimization: Effects of Invalidation and Shame on Re-Disclosure

Ashley K. H. Catton, Martin J. Dorahy, Kumar Yogeeswaran

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 38(13-14), 2023, pp. 8332–8356

Blame Attributions Against Heterosexual Male Victims of Sexual Coercion: Effects of Gender, Social Influence, and Perceptions of Distress

Ashley K. H. Catton, Martin J. Dorahy

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 37(9-10), 2022, NP7014– NP7033

Current Projects

The Sexual Violence Disclosure Processes Model (svDPM)

A manuscript detailing this theory is currently being prepared for peer review.

Pathological Gaming: Assessment and Related Issues

This was a presentation given in 2020 around 'Internet Gaming Disorder', a controversial yet emerging disorder in the literature.

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Recent Writing

Oct 15, 2021

The Suitability of Clark & Wells Cognitive Model of Social Anxiety as a Basis for Treatment Among Adolescents

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is characterised by an intense and disproportionate fear of social situations, where the individual fears negative evaluation such that the situations are either avoided or endured with much distress (American Psychiatric ...

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Sep 9, 2021

Is E-Therapy a solution to the 'mental health crisis'?

(Opinion) Imagine a highway: a popular multi-lane highway designed many years ago to handle peak-hour traffic. Having reached its maximum capacity for peak hour traffic only a few years later, there are now long queues of cars waiting for hours just to...

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May 28, 2021

CBT for the Treatment of Emotion Regulation in Children with Suspected Autism Traits

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by deficits in social-emotional interaction, and patterns of restricted and repetitive behaviour or interests (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). While currently subsum...

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Oct 31, 2019

The Role of Interoceptive Conditioning in Intuitive Eating (IE) Interventions for Binge Eating: A Conceptual Review

(Psychology) Maladaptive eating behaviour features in a range of psychopathologies. A recent report on national attitudes towards mental health and addiction in New Zealand found widespread concern for the prevalence of eating disorders among young p...

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Oct 29, 2019

Content and Context in Kant’s Anthropology

(Psychology/Philosophy) While Kant’s Anthropology from A Pragmatic Point of View may not be immediately considered as relevant to the history of psychology, it is a notable entry into the historical canon for both its content and context. Unlike his p...

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Research Design & Statistics (PSYC206)

Private tutoring (2019)

Teaching (TA, TAC)

Abnormal Psychology (PSYC335)

Teaching Assistant Co-Ordinator (2021-23)

Undergraduate course on abnormal and clinical psychology.

Introductory Psychology - Brain, Behaviour and Cognition (PSYC105)

Teaching Assistant (2020)

Entry level undergraduate psychology course.

Personality (PSYC211)

Teaching Assistant (2019-20, 22)

Undergraduate course on personality psychology.


Honours Research Project (PSY470)

Supervisor (2022-3)

Supervisor of Honours level theses: - An Inclusive Paradigm of Measuring How Sexual Victimisation is Dealt With and Disclosed


Ash Catton, BA(Hons)

Christchurch, New Zealand

School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing

University of Canterbury


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